supply container

英 [səˈplaɪ kənˈteɪnə(r)] 美 [səˈplaɪ kənˈteɪnər]

网络  空运补给; 供应容器



  1. Spemet does not only supply a container for soluble anode, but also builds the full functions of anode baskets to help users reach the top quality and highly efficiency to plating easily.
  2. Remove the washer supply hoses from the washer pumps and drain the washer fluid from the reservoir into a clean container for reuse.
  3. Container terminal is the important operating spot for the international liner shipping company in order to complete the supply chain of container shipment.
  4. This paper compares containers handling capacity of Dalian Port with that of other ports and analyses condition of commodity supply of container in Dalian prot.
  5. Study and simulation to the impact of temperature field by air supply inside refrigerated container
  6. Power supply and lighting engineering design for Qingdao Container Terminal Phase IV project
  7. Analysis model of supply, demand and price of container shipping market
  8. As the supply still exceeds the demand in the container shipping market in the coming years, container shippers are facing throat-cut competition now.
  9. The Development of the Auxiliary Power Supply System with Wide Rotary Speed Scope on the Tyre Portal-type Container Crane
  10. In recent years, the rapid development of Ningbo port container logistics and supply chain related to container units rapid development. Container yard as an important link in the supply chain, the depth and breadth of its operations have been stepped up.
  11. Basing on above research, writer analyzed the demand and the supply of the tanker, bulk carrier and container carrier market.
  12. With the diversity of investors in coastal transport, water carrying have developed. Analysis model of supply, demand and price of container shipping market
  13. The variation of container shipping market depends on supply and demand, which means the overall scale of the global container fleet and quantity of shipping container.
  14. Competition between ports has already expanded to the entire supply chain which a certain port belongs to. Under this background, it is very essential to carry a research on container transport system.
  15. Under a changing environment of demand and supply port with the port container allocation problem, this article is based on reality, through research found that the operation of the container flow cause the operating problems, and causing the trouble to the market sales personnel.
  16. As one of the key nodes of supply chain, container ports place their expectation of more competitive advantages and performance improvement on the exploration of their extinctive logistics capabilities in the circumstance of on-going integration of supply chain in logistics and port fields.
  17. On the other hand, for the reasons such as uneven development of international trade in different regions, container demand and supply have huge geographical imbalances, and empty container allocation problem comes.